Lessons Learned: The Branding Process

One thing is for sure- the branding process is not merely skin-deep!

I’ve worked with clients from many different industries, in organizations large and small. And one of the most exciting parts of the process for me is discovering the vision behind the plan. Whether it’s the CEO who must convince the board of directors that their organization has outgrown their brand, or the entrepreneur who knows today’s start-up costs are just the first tiny steps towards a much bigger dream, my first job is to uncover both the passion and the particulars.

The first part of the process of creating a new brand identity is so fascinating- but not just because I get to learn so much and hear such amazing stories. What delights me about this step is that it is often so clarifying for the client. As I ask clients questions about the past, present and future of their endeavours, there are many “aha!” moments along the way!  As they formulate their answers, they begin to really focus on what value they have created and what truly differentiates them.

Sometimes, the client needs a great deal of help figuring out how to communicate this value. They need someone who is an outsider- someone who can give them a new perspective and help them see how others perceive them.

Other times, the client just needs validation that their communication instincts are serving them well, and perhaps all is required is a little tweaking.

Or maybe the client’s vision is clear, but they need help getting everyone else on board.  A rebrand is is great way to rally the troops behind a common cause!

Whatever the case, I’ve been inspired by the clients I’ve worked with. I’ve learned that we all have big dreams, big plans, big hopes of making a difference and creating a better future for ourselves and others. When I can help communicate those dreams- get that message out there so that it can be understood by the right audiences- it’s truly a pleasure, and an honour.

Need help making your vision understood? I’d love to help you create your authentic brand identity. Contact me here or drop me a line at erica@ericajane.ca.
  ~ Erica
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